You know there is something more ...

You just need to know how to get there!

A 90 Day Guided Journey of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Transformation

You see other women who seem to have it figured out and wonder how they did it? You crave deep connection and personal growth.

You take care of everyone else and it has taken a toll on your mental, physical and spiritual health.

You secretly fear your best days could be behind you. I know how you feel because I use to feel the same way.

But that’s ALL about to change.



September 12th-November 28th


Genuine Community with Like-Minded Women

Guest Speakers

Weekly Zoom Gatherings

Scriptures, Declarations, Affirmations

Practical Resources




“I believe the Designer’s Circle will be that place of community and encouragement, while bringing glory to the Lord!

I’m 24 and married for 4 years with a 10 month old daughter! I think saying yes to the Designer’s Circle will bring growth to so many areas of your life. We as women need to be encouraged to see what’s possible in our lives. We all have a Destiny only we can fulfill. God has a plan for your life and mine, and we have to be in a community with women that will push us towards that goal and cheer us on.”

-Destiny by Design2022, member

“No matter what stage of life you are in Designer’s Circle will be a place to be genuine and open so that clarity can set in.

I am 58 years old, recently remarried, 2 children in their mid twenties.

The Designers Circle will be safe and loving place to open your heart. A group of like minded, God loving women trying to find their way in this crazy world. ”

-Destiny by Design 2022, member

“If you’re feeling like I was, full of doubts and fear, lacking confidence & failing to acknowledge your own worth, then Designer’s Circle is for you!

Never in my life, have I been surrounded by a more amazing group of women who came from all different walks of life & were so encouraging and supportive. Vanessa has a special gift of challenging women to walk in their calling in a loving, Godly way 💕”

-Destiny by Design 2022, member

Join us!

There is a seat at the table for YOU!