So What Now?

Ever feel like you have lost yourself? It’s kind of a strange feeling when you wake up and realize, no one “needs” you today. Like the hustle and the bustle, day in and day out “needs you”. The reprieve feels like relief but then gives way to the question “what now?”

 I found myself asking that very question a few years ago. As I adjusted to this different somewhat slower pace,  I realized I was in the worst physical shape of my life. When did this even happen?

Having spent the last 20 yrs completely devoted to my kids and husband, a role I absolutely loved and enjoyed, I realized I had ignored myself. One week turned into a month, turned into years of putting off what “I needed”. I began again. I started over just shy of fifty, hired a coach and utilized that support to reach my optimal health. In the process of creating health, I found “me” again. I do have an opinion, I do have dreams and desires I had long forgotten.

For me that looked like buying an RV and having the freedom to travel, going into business for myself and coaching menopausal women embrace this new season of life. Never in a million years did I ever see myself as a Health Coach but I’ve always loved to serve and encourage others. If I can start over, YOU CAN TOO!! Don’t be afraid  to reach out to me. If you truly want change, you must go to someone who’s been where you’re at and done the work to get where you want to go.


Boss Your Thoughts


You are not crazy!