Embracing Menopause

Menopause is a word most women shy away from. Embracing this word and becoming  informed instead of sticking  your head into the sand or just “dealing with the symptoms” empowers you to take action and actually even , dare I say, THRIVE in menopause.

I know because I have been there! I experienced almost all of the typical menopausal symptoms but at the time, I genuinely thought I was going crazy. What use to work for me, wasn’t working anymore. My body started reacting to food and stress differently. My energy levels were all over the place which didn’t help my mood. I was obsessed over moisturizers and eyebrows (if you know, you know!). 

It wasn’t until I decided to reclaim my own personal health did I discover how important of a role my daily nutrition contributes to these symptoms. It’s not a 100% cure for all of these but it’s close. After reaching an optimal weight and allowing my hormones to adjust, I was then ready to talk to my doctor about options.

Menopause does not have to mean a life sentence, it’s a season and you can thrive in that season. It’s important to find the right support. Start with your health. What do you need to do to create the best health for the life you desire. Keep it simple. Don’t tackle “all the things” at the same time. Focus on building habits of health that will be the foundation for you. Regular fueling of your body, really paying attention to your sleep and stress levels, and incorporating more daily movement are a great place to start.




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